IBM 360/40
- Rakuhoku Campus
IBM 360/40 of IBM which was popular as commercial machine was installed for practical training - Card batch processing
- Practical Training
- Assembler

[Ininstallation of IBM 360 system]
Takeshi Yamamoto : computer lab staff of that time
In 1980, IBM 360/40 was installed at Rakuhoku campus. It was the second mainframe computer since TOSBAC 3400.
We started to install the machine which was arrived in late afternoon. I remember it took all night to putting together parts and set up the machine. The parts looked like just solid iron. I was excited when the power was turned on.
IBM 370-138
- Rakuhoku Campus
IBM 370/138 system was installed after 360/40 system. - Card batch processing
- Number of Terminals : 40
- Practical Training
IBM 370-158
- Takano Campus
Successor of IBM370
- Card batch processing
- Number of Terminals : 50
- Practical Training
- PL/I